Resolution #3: Inbox Zero, Every Day.

E-mail… I love e-mail. It allows me to process many, many times the number of requests and contacts in a day that a phone call would allow. It streamlines communication and provides an instant archive and transcript of everything said. The truth is, I am addicted to my e-mail (my wife will tell you that at anytime). With the advent of the iPhone and Blackberry, many of us have 24/7/365 access to e-mail. We invent technology to help us be more productive and all we do is work more (but that’s for another post).

E-mail is great. It is also evil. It’s easy to see the message count piling up and get overwhelmed by amount of work those e-mails may involve. It’s important to have a good system in place to deal with your e-mail efficiently.

For me, that revolves around two words: “Inbox Zero”. I was first introduced to this concept by Merlin Mann, author of (a great site for ideas about time, attention and creative work).

The basic idea is that your e-mail inbox was never intended to be a storage place for every message you have received in the past 1,348 days. It is not designed to handle that kind of load and it can really mess up your productivity. The e-mail inbox should be used just as an inbox on a desk is used. It should be a place where things come in and then have one of three actions applied to them. They are either deleted, delegated, or deferred to a task list or calendar.

It sounds simple, but few people I know actually reach inbox zero on a weekly basis, if ever. In the past, I have tried to get to inbox zero once a month and felt really good when it happened once a week.

As a part of Resolution #2 (Read More), I have started reading the book Bit Literacy by Mark Hurst (it’s a part of the Personal MBA reading list). In this book, he talks about how our lives have become less about stacks of paper and more about stacks of bits. The problem with bits, is that they don’t have the same tangible effect as paper. If you had 1000 documents stacked up on your desk, it would be pretty noticeable. Those same 1000 documents are far less noticeable in your inbox. The problem is that the bits still weigh on us mentally and having to back through those e-mails can waste a lot of time.

So what’s the solution? Inbox zero. In Bit Literacy, Mark suggest e-mail users reach for inbox zero EVERY DAY, at least once a day. You might think, how is this possible? My e-mail is like a never ending faucet of questions, notes, memos, and more. The key is HOW we look at the e-mail inbox.

The e-mail inbox is NOT a to-do list, not a calendar, not an address book, and not a filing cabinet. The e-mail inbox is a place where messages come in and are deleted, delegated or deferred to one of the previous mentioned places.

Doing this will make your day happier, more productive, and less stressful.

Resolution #3 for me is to reach inbox zero EVERY DAY.

Soon I will post an article about the tools I use other than my inbox to help keep things organized that come in.

Have questions or ideas about this concept or how I do it? I’d love to hear them, drop me a comment or e-mail.

Resolution #1: Count Calories, Cut Fat!

One of my resolutions is to get in better shape in 2010. Cutting fat, increasing strength and endurance, and watching the food I put in my body. The last few months of 2009 I really let myself go. I ate whatever I wanted, had limited exercise, and paid the price in pounds… of fat.

When I want to get back in shape, I do two things: count calories coming into my body and count calories I am burning during exercise.

Most nutritionist will suggest that anyone trying to lose weight should keep a food journal of some sort. This can be done with a simple notebook or something a little more advanced. I love technology and often opt for the more advanced option.

There are three options that I highly recommend.

For computer users (Mac or Windows), it’s hard to beat the Calorie King. We have had this program for years and it still does the trick. It is EASY to use (which is very important), has a HUGE database of foot items (also important), and also allows you to track exercise, set goals, etc. If you are looking for a computer program to help you track everything, this one is a 10. This app is $45, but worth the price if you are serious about it. Their software is available online at

If you are looking for something a little more “on the go” and have an iPhone. My favoriate app for tracking calories on the iPhone is called “Lose It!”. It’s FREE, it’s easy and has a pretty good food database. It’s available in the iTunes store here.

I think the Calorie King program is a little better (I wish they had an iPhone app), but “Lose It” is free and most importantly, available via the iPhone and more available than the computer might be at times. The ease of having it available at all times is very important.

Another thing to consider are various web applications that allow you to interact with a community and track your progress. One good one I have seen is

Regardless of if you use a simple notebook, a computer program, or an iPhone app. The most important thing I have found is to record the calories BEFORE you eat them or immediately after. Do not wait until later or you will forget something. The details matter and if you want to keep that resolution of getting in better shape (as I do), keeping track of what goes into your body is crucial.

I am day one, 20 lbs and 5% body fat to go.

Best of luck and Happy New Year!

A government big enough…

big-governmentWith unemployment now the highest in many of our lifetimes, do we still believe that massive government spending and huge bailouts are the solution to turn the economy around? Or should we maybe consider some aggressive tax cuts and pro-business policies? On one of the morning shows today they had a huge story about how horrible Wal-Mart’s “sick day” policy is and how it’s spreading the flu and how people feel like they are forced to go to work if they are sick because they will get a demerit. Clearly, we don’t want people working with the flu, but at the same time, companies (especially of that size), MUST have strict policies in place to protect their business and make sure people really seriously consider not showing up for work. If they don’t, they won’t be able to serve customers and there are plenty of people lining up at Wal-Mart for their low prices despite how “evil” they are. I am so sick and tired of business and businessmen being demonized in our country. Clearly, there are “bad guys” in any industry, but to act like everyone who wears a suit and tie to work is a criminal or everyone who runs their own business is a thief is lunacy. This country was built on the back of men and women who busted their butts to get where they are. It’s built on the back of people who don’t want unemployment, government-care, obamacare or anything else. We are becoming a nation of fat, lazy, self absorbed people who do not know or understand how this nation became the most powerful civilization in the history of mankind. If we don’t ALL (liberals, conservatives, libertarians, vegetarians, whatever) WAKE UP, get up and make things happy as INDIVIDUALS there will be a steep price to pay. Bottom line: Government is NOT the solution to our problems. Government is the problem. Individual liberty, freedom, and plan old hard work is what will turn this ship around. “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.” – Gerald Ford Ok, I’m glad I got all that out.

“beauty will rise” – questioning faith and cherishing family

Beauty will rise  The new album by Steven Curtis Chapman, beautywillrise, may be one of the most powerful expressions of art, music, and faith that I have ever heard.

About 6 months ago, the Chapman family was struck by a tragedy. While backing out of the driveway, their oldest son ran over their 5 year old adopted daughter Maria Sue. Just hours before they had been celebrating the engagement of the oldest daughter and were about to have a graduation party for their son. Complete joy was transferred to the deepest of grief.

This album is a heart-cry from Steven about his faith and what can rise from tragedy.

Music can often be touching, but I can’t remember being touched like I was by this album – ever. Our Hayden will be 5 at the end of this month and the thought of loosing him is one of the most painful things I could imagine. No parent should have to bury their child. To hear a man of such faith as Steven Curtis Chapman seriously question his God and his beliefs, but come back to the reality that there is a mighty God who has a plan much bigger than ours is powerful – very powerful. Talk about having your beliefs challenged in a way no one would desire — wow.

I am not sure my faith is that strong and pray it’s never tested like this. There is no greater time to question God than when a child is taken from this earth in such a way. But if I really believe what I say I believe, then that child is dancing with Angels in a heaven that is more splendid than anything we can imagine.

This album is also a powerful reminder of how we should treat our family, how we should speak to those we love, and what we should spend our time doing. If it was the last day, the last moment you had with your husband, your wife, your child, your parent — how differently would we treat them than we often do in times of anger or frustration.

I am thankful to be reminded by this music. Reminded that what really matters on this earth is faith, family, and friends.

Check out the album on iTunes at:

Our greatest danger as a nation…

I believe that the greatest danger facing our nation is not health care, or the economy, or Barrack Obama, or Nancy Pelosi, or the “vast right-wing conspiracy.” I believe the greatest danger facing our nation is the loss of family. Marriage and families are no longer the sacred treasures that they once were. Mother’s no longer care for their children, Father’s often forsake their families for their own fantasies, and no one seems to mind. Children leave for school early in the morning and return home in the afternoon with a key and an empty house. All this and we wonder why our nation is depressed, in violence, and unstable. We have forsaken family dinner for fast food and convenience. We have forsaken our marriages for “individualism” and “personal freedom”. There are consequences for our actions as a nation. We, as a nation, live well beyond our means and as a result, most people work longer and harder than they should, often forgetting what is most important… family. With all of the current chaos in our world, I am reminded that if everything was stripped from us, our homes, our cars, our “things” that we love so much – we would be left with just ourselves, our family, and our God. We need a REVOLUTION. Not a revolution where we fight a government with guns, but one where we rebuild our families with more than just words. Play together, laugh together, cry together, eat together, and just be together. If the Father’s of this nation would stand up and be MEN, we would be far better off in the future. Not just men that go to work and drop off a pay check on Friday, but men that are the rock of their family, men that would lead their family to God, and men that provide for the needs of their wives and children by more than just finances. Children NEED a mother and a father that love them and guide them. They have plenty of friends, what they need is parents. Parents who are willing to make tough decisions for their futures and provide a stable foundation for them to grow up on. I don’t pretend for a moment that my family is perfect. I get angry at my children far too often and I am selfish. I write these words as much for myself as for anyone else. I pray that TOGETHER, Claire and I are able to raise modern day knights in our boys. We will stumble and we will make mistakes, but when I said ‘til death do we part, I meant it. And if I ever stray from that, please be bold enough to remind me. My prayer today, for our nation, is that our families are strengthened through tough times and that we are reminded of what really matters in life. In a footer of her e-mail, my sister Kari reminded me that Billy Graham once said “Mountaintops are for views and inspiration, but fruit is grown in the valleys.” My hope is that the current valleys in our nation produce much fruit.

The Truth about Competition

It is often said that it’s not about winning or losing but the way you play the game. That is true. What is true about it is that the way you play the game often determines if you win or lose.

Our culture is becoming more and more focused on a lack of competition. Parents are told that their children are too young to compete and it will scare them psychologically or something. Schools are discouraged from highlighting overachievers in academics because they don’t want to make anyone else feel bad. Competitive events feel the need to give all participants a medal or trophy so that “everyone is a winner.” When this happens, it does not make everyone a winner. it does make everyone appear the same, but those that put in extra effort are not rewarded for it. As a result, we discourage that high level of work. There must be something to reach for, or we will often stop reaching —it is our nature.

Reality is that life is often a competition. We compete for the a place on a sports team, for a place in college, for a spouse, for a job, and the list goes on.

I am not saying that you must win all the time to be happy. What I am saying is that we should PREPARE to the highest level of our ability — all the time. This preparation that is often lacking. Practice may not make you perfect, but if you practice well, you probably won’t suck.

Today was my four year olds first soccer game. His team lost by about 30 points. Why? The other team was better prepared. They had been trained, coached, and were ready with a plan. Hayden’s team does little at practice and they did little at the game. I heard from someone at the game, “well, they are just 4 and 5 year olds, what can you expect.” The other team was just 4 and 5 year olds and they clearly had the capacity to be trained in the basics of the sport.

For some reason, we are so quick to make excuses for our children and ourselves. Children DO HAVE the capacity to be trained, at anything. It can still be fun – and it should be, but there must be a plan to improve week by week, year by year.

Needless to say, Hayden and I are going to be spending a lot more time with the soccer ball in the yard. I am not the teams coach, but I can work with him individually so he can improve. I want to teach him that with hard work pays off.

Hard work is fun because it often yields great fruit. We will reap what we sow, in the little things and the big.

Marriage is like landscaping…

I believe that the greatest danger facing our nation is not health care, or the economy, or Barrack Obama, or Nancy Pelosi, or the “vast right-wing conspiracy.” I believe the greatest danger facing our nation is the loss of family.

Marriage and families are no longer the sacred treasures that they once were. Mother’s no longer care for their children, Father’s often forsake their families for their own fantasies, and no one seems to mind. Children leave for school early in the morning and return home in the afternoon with a key and an empty house. All this and we wonder why our nation is depressed, in violence, and unstable.

We have forsaken family dinner for fast food and convenience. We have forsaken our marriages for “individualism” and “personal freedom”. There are consequences for our actions as a nation. We, as a nation, live well beyond our means and as a result, most people work longer and harder than they should, often forgetting what is most important… family.

With all of the current chaos in our world, I am reminded that if everything was stripped from us, our homes, our cars, our “things” that we love so much – we would be left with just ourselves, our family, and our God.

We need a REVOLUTION. Not a revolution where we fight a government with guns, but one where we rebuild our families with more than just words. Play together, laugh together, cry together, eat together, and just be together.

If the Father’s of this nation would stand up and be MEN, we would be far better off in the future. Not just men that go to work and drop off a pay check on Friday, but men that are the rock of their family, men that would lead their family to God, and men that provide for the needs of their wives and children by more than just finances.

Children NEED a mother and a father that love them and guide them. They have plenty of friends, what they need is parents. Parents who are willing to make tough decisions for their futures and provide a stable foundation for them to grow up on.

I don’t pretend for a moment that my family is perfect. I get angry at my children far too often and I am selfish. I write these words as much for myself as for anyone else. I pray that TOGETHER, Claire and I are able to raise modern day knights in our boys. We will stumble and we will make mistakes, but when I said ’til death do we part, I meant it. And if I ever stray from that, please be bold enough to remind me.

My prayer today, for our nation, is that our families are strengthened through tough times and that we are reminded of what really matters in life. In a footer of her e-mail, my sister Kari reminded me that Billy Graham once said “Mountaintops are for views and inspiration, but fruit is grown in the valleys.” My hope is that the current valleys in our nation produce much fruit.

A prayer for our nation

This prayer burst into the public consciousness back in January of 1996, when the Rev. Joe Wright, senior pastor of the 2,500-member Central Christian Church in Wichita, was invited to deliver the opening prayer at a session of the Kansas House of Representatives. It is as relevant today, if not more, than it was over 13 years ago:

Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and seek your direction and guidance.

We know your Word says, “Woe to those who call evil good,” but that’s exactly what we’ve done.

We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and inverted our values.

We confess that we have ridiculed the absolute truth of your Word and called it moral pluralism.

We have worshipped other gods and called it multiculturalism.

We have endorsed perversion and called it an alternative lifestyle.

We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.

We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation.

We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.

We have killed our unborn and called it choice.

We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.

We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building esteem.

We have abused power and called it political savvy.

We have coveted our neighbors’ possessions and called it ambition.

We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.

We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.

Search us O God and know our hearts today; try us and see if there be some wicked way in us; cleanse us from every sin and set us free.

Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent here by the people of Kansas, and who have been ordained by you, to govern this great state.

Grant them your wisdom to rule and may their decisions direct us to the center of your will. I ask it in the name of your son, the living savior, Jesus Christ.


Turkey Burgers

Just made these burgers and they were GREAT!

6 ounces ground turkey breast
1 ½ tablespoons sourdough bread crumbs
3 tablespoons low-fat buttermilk
2 ¼ teaspoons green onions, minced
2 ¼ teaspoons parsley, chopped
¼ teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 dash Worcestershire sauce
black pepper to taste

Combing ingredients into patty and grill for 7-10 min per side.