FACT: smart, wealthy, and wise people read – a lot.
There is so much knowledge stored in books.
I have never been a good reader. I have bad eyes, I am easily distracted, and I rarely have the book with me that I want to read at the time I want to read it. Excuses, excuses, excuses.
This Christmas, my wife bought me an Amazon Kindle. The Kindle is a popular ebook reader. Think of it like an iPod for books. The Kindle solves two of my biggest issues with ready. First, it allows me full control over the text size. When my eyes are a little tired, I just bump the size up a few levels and it makes things much better. Second, it gives me access to a library of material at anytime. As I said, I am easily distracted while reading and reading what I am interested in at the moment is very helpful in staying on target. If I want to read the Bible, I can, if I want to read a business book, I can, if I want to read some fiction, I can. It’s great.
The Kindle will help me resolve resolution #2 for 2010 and that is to read more. Read a lot more. Last year I couldn’t even tell you what books I read all the way through. This year, I want to read at least 2 new books per month.
I have committed to reading, now the question is, what to read.
#1 – The Bible. For years I have said I wanted to read the bible all the way through, but never have. It’s time to make that happen. Claire (my wife) and I are going to read through the bible together each night. I just downloaded the ESV Study Bible on my Kindle.
#2 – Business & Technology Books. I love business and technology. The more I can learn, the better I will be. I have built my business without a college education in part due to knowledge on the internet and books. I want to learn more from books. I am starting with Bit Literacy from the Personal MBAlist and working from there.
#3 – Parenting & Relationship Books. There is nothing more important to me than my family. I want to read books that help me be a better father and husband.
#4 – Politics & History. The direction of our country, where we have come from and where are we are going are always interesting topics to me. If you know me at all, you know I am about as conservative as they come, but I am interested in all views.
Do you have any suggestions of good books in any of these categories (or others)? I’d love to hear it – just leave a note in the comments or drop me an e-mail.
Resolution #3 coming tomorrow…