With unemployment now the highest in many of our lifetimes, do we still believe that massive government spending and huge bailouts are the solution to turn the economy around? Or should we maybe consider some aggressive tax cuts and pro-business policies? On one of the morning shows today they had a huge story about how horrible Wal-Mart’s “sick day” policy is and how it’s spreading the flu and how people feel like they are forced to go to work if they are sick because they will get a demerit. Clearly, we don’t want people working with the flu, but at the same time, companies (especially of that size), MUST have strict policies in place to protect their business and make sure people really seriously consider not showing up for work. If they don’t, they won’t be able to serve customers and there are plenty of people lining up at Wal-Mart for their low prices despite how “evil” they are. I am so sick and tired of business and businessmen being demonized in our country. Clearly, there are “bad guys” in any industry, but to act like everyone who wears a suit and tie to work is a criminal or everyone who runs their own business is a thief is lunacy. This country was built on the back of men and women who busted their butts to get where they are. It’s built on the back of people who don’t want unemployment, government-care, obamacare or anything else. We are becoming a nation of fat, lazy, self absorbed people who do not know or understand how this nation became the most powerful civilization in the history of mankind. If we don’t ALL (liberals, conservatives, libertarians, vegetarians, whatever) WAKE UP, get up and make things happy as INDIVIDUALS there will be a steep price to pay. Bottom line: Government is NOT the solution to our problems. Government is the problem. Individual liberty, freedom, and plan old hard work is what will turn this ship around. “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.” – Gerald Ford Ok, I’m glad I got all that out.